A linguagem visual de Kathrin Longhurst colide com o ponto de partida do seu próprio caminho, vivendo a sua infância durante a Guerra Fria, viveu os dois lados de uma cortina de ferro. O contraste entre o imaginário da propaganda bélica e as promessas glamorosas do outro lado do muro foram as inspirações do seus primeiros trabalhos. Longhurst reconsiderou a estética da propaganda de guerra com as suas guerreiras “voadoras”, no lugar de temíveis figuras masculinas de poder.
Kathrin foi vice-presidente da Portrait Artists Australia durante alguns anos e finalista de vários prémios, incluindo o Archibald Prize, o Darling Prize na National Portrait Gallery, o Doug Moran Prize, o Sulman Prize, o Percival Portrait Award, o Mosman Art Prize, o Portia Geach Award, o Shirley Hannan National Portrait Prize e o WA Black Swan Prize. Em 2021 Katherin ganhou o Prémio Archibald Packing Room 2021.
Kathrin Longhurst’s visual language collides with the starting point of her own journey, as a child of the cold-war era, who has been to both sides of the iron-curtain. The contrast between war-propaganda imagery and glamorous promises of the other side of the wall, have been the inspirations of her early works. Longhurst reconsidered war propaganda aesthetics with ‘flying’ female warriors, in place of fearsome male figures of power.
Kathrin served as vice president for Portrait Artists Australia for some years and has been a finalist in numerous awards including the Archibald Prize, the Darling Prize at the National Portrait Gallery, the Doug Moran Prize, the Sulman Prize, the Percival Portrait Award, the Mosman Art Prize, the Portia Geach Award, the Shirley Hannan National Portrait Prize and the WA Black Swan Prize. She won the 2021 Archibald Packing Room Prize.

The Gallery challenged the artists to present a work related with a book.
Artist Statement
A pintura é inspirada no livro 2019 de Soraya Chemaly. No acordar do movimento #MeToo, Chemaly exorta as mulheres a abraçar a ‘raiva’ e aproveitá-la para mudanças sociais e pessoais. Substituir tristeza, vergonha e medo por raiva direcionada pode ser uma ferramenta extremamente positiva e poderosa para melhorar o mundo, erradicar a injustiça e ser um catalisador para mudanças. Em vez de resistir à raiva, e ser punida por expressá-la, nesta pintura incentivo o observador a usar essa emoção para alimentar conquistas extraordinárias que, de outra forma, nunca decolariam.
This painting draws its inspiration from the 2019 book by Soraya Chemaly by the same title. In the wake of the #MeToo movement Chemaly urges women to embrace their anger to harness it for lasting societal and personal change. Replacing sadness, shame and fear with directional anger can be an extremely positive and powerful tool to better the world, eradicate injustice and as a catalyst for change. Instead of resisting rage and being punished for expressing it I am in this painting encouraging the viewer to use this valuable emotion to fuel extraordinary achievements that otherwise would never get off the ground.
Kathrin Longhurst