As aparências são um mero vislumbre do invisível. Por trás que cada porta deste edifício aparentemente comum, uma tapeçaria de mistérios desenrola-se em tempo real, entrelaçando histórias de desejo, vergonha, esperanças, sonhos, memórias e remorso. Nesta viagem cinematográfica, o público é desafiado a confrontar os seus próprios preconceitos e julgamentos tornando-se voyeur das narrativas íntimas escondidas atrás das portas deste simples bloco de apartamentos. Por trás destas 3 portas o cenário está montado e a história cabe-te a ti desvendar, uma porta de cada vez…
Appearances are a glimpse of the unseen. Behind the doors of this seemingly unremarkable building, a tapestry of mysteries unfolds in real time, weaving together stories of lust, shame, hopes, dreams, memory and regret. In this cinematic journey, the audience is challenged to confront their own preconceptions and judgements as they become voyeurs to the intimate narratives hidden behind the doors of this unassuming apartment block. Behind these 3 doors the stage has been set and the story is for you to unravel, one door at a time…
Mariana Duarte Santos (Portugal, 1995)
I usually take inspiration from everyday settings and scenarios as well as the relationship between people and their inner dialogues. I like to create ambiguous images that at the same time convey a story while having open narratives that each observer can interpret in their own way.
